Monday, January 26, 2009

Dessert of the Week & My First Gyro


So I though I would make this little add on to the last post, just to illustrate what I mean about the giant 1.80 euro Gyro. This one, (my first gyro ever!) is actually lamb. (I know, it sounds cruel to me too to eat a lamb... but I had to try it at least once--I am in Greece after all!)

My first gyro!

On this particular gyro, I had lamb, lettuce, onions and (of course) a boat load of the infamous Greek tzatziki sauce! I'm not going to lie...I think I may be addicted! Tzatziki is basically a creamy sauce made out of yogurt, with things like cucmbers, garlic, etc. all thrown in together--which probably doesn't sound that great...(but just take my word for it--it is amazing!) But I hope with this picture, you can realize what an amazing deal these things are over here!

And for my very first dessert of the week I chose... flan. haha. Well, it is not actually flan, but I can't remember the name the lady in the store told me. But it's basically the same thing. It's just a custard type dessert with a layer of caramel sauce on the top. (Not very adventurous, I know. But it looked so good!) And as most of you who know me already know, I'm a sucker for anything with caramel!

Week #1: (almost) Flan

Also, a few updates from my last post... I was able to switch my Greek teacher, and I had my first class today. And I am relieved to report that it was about a MILLION times better than my last teacher! Don't get me wrong, it will still be a major challenge. But at least I feel like I'm finally learning something!

And I did get to sign up for Greek cooking lessons, so on 5 different Monday nights this semester, I will be helping prepare (and then of course, enjoying) a traditional Greek meal with 15 other people. Hopefully I will remember the things I learn, and will be able to cook for you all when I get home! (If you have the courage...)

So that should be a pretty fun activity for me this semester! (There is even one whole night dedicated to desserts! Yum!)

I guess that's all for now!

-Summer Rose

1 comment:

  1. with Gyros and a wall full of desserts I could see myself only being able to wear muumuus. Sound like you got a lot of stuff on your plate. Good luck with those dinner classes. I'll be expecting one Gyro dinner per week.

    Love you
