Monday, March 23, 2009

Sounio: the Sequel

So, I am writing this post due to the fact that I have been seriously neglecting my blog lately, but thought this would be an interesting thing to share!

I was forced to go back (again) to Sounio to visit the Temple of Poseidon, this time with my school. (No, as a matter of fact I did NOT realize I was going with school when I made the trip by myself the first time...)

Anyway, the second time was no where near as cool, but I did learn one interesting thing: the exact location of the spot where Lord Byron carved his name into the pillar of the temple! (He actually carved it in a rectangular pillar, not on a round column like I originally read in my guide book.)

My teacher showed me where it was, and I managed to get a few clear pictures of it!

It is right in the center of this pillar:

Do you see the clear "BYRON" carved there? And you can even see how that little spot is more white in color than the rest of the pillar (caused by sooo many human fingers rubbing over that spot over the years!)

You can also see a bunch of other names carved by all the inconsiderate tourists over the years, (which is one of the main reasons the Temple itself is now off limits... boo!)

So I just thought I would share this little addition to my Sounion experience, because I thought it was pretty cool!

I promise for more updates soon, as I have been so many places and seen so many cool things since the last time I posted... but you must be patient with me, I am a busy girl!

Love you all!

-Summer Rose

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